It takes a certain level of pretension to write a blog. To think that some casual observations, dollar store philosophies, and uninformed ideologies are worth anyone’s time to read carries with it, at the very least, a tinge of arrogance. Unless, of course, you’re a celebrity. Then, it suddenly becomes assumed that every word out of your mouth is worthy of being disseminated to the billions that comprise this social media generation.
Unfortunately, my degree of non-celebrity is staggering. Except to my wife and dog, I’m a black hole of popularity. Unless I owe them money, most people forget my name before I finish uttering the first syllable.
“Don” only has one syllable.
By my own standards, I have no business writing this.
“So why the blog?” asks you, the hypothetical reader who is most likely my aforementioned wife, or dog who is smarter than he looks.
Four reasons:
1. I’m a huge fan of irony.
2. Self-deprecation is an art. This is a big canvas.
3. Casual writing greases the wheels of creativity which aids in my other textual endeavors, some of which I actually get paid for on occasion.
4. I love numbered lists.
So, here’s hoping that the futility of this blog is inversely proportional to the productivity it inspires.
I expect it to be updated about as often as a routine prostate exam, but if I’m lucky, it’ll be just as fun.